Event information and availability of features like live tracking.
Over 12 years of event management and race timing helped inspire Race Timer. Download Our App The Competitive Timing mobile app can be used with any race that we time.
Race Timer can also be used at the end of finish chutes to properly record the order of finishers replacing older, manual processes such as tear tags and popsicle sticks. Features include: Name your race, capture runners as they pass the finish line, view finishers in the app, email results, save to multiple formats, and more! 5k, 10k, whatever the distance of your run, use Race Timer to capture runners' bibs as they cross the finish line and you will see their corresponding finish time for the event.
Race Timer by Dalmith Applications currently has 45 ratings with average rating value of 4.2 Race Timer is a free race timing system that allows race coordinators the flexibility of scoring road races within an android app. According to Google Play Race Timer by Dalmith Applications achieved more than 11 thousand installs. The current version is 1.9.1, released on. RaceSplitter Race Timer 4+ For event organizers & coachs Ryan Byrne Designed for iPhone 3.3 4 Ratings 34. On both of the links above where you “click here” to pay, we offer a $5 discount if you choose both services when initially signing up for them! The same discount applies if paying by check for both at the same time.Android application Race Timer by Dalmith Applications developed by Dalmith Applications is listed under category Sports. RaceSplitter Race Timer on the App Store Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. This real time application allows you to watch live racing from anywhere, keep a record of all of our personal races and times, see your friends races and keep. If we run out of any race app that we are displaying earlier than 2 weeks before the event, we will let you know by email that we need more. We’ll get them ready and start putting them out once you email us that the fee has been paid. Or send us the apps first and then pay for them online. Once paid, let us know that fact by email along with an approximate date when the apps will arrive.
The check should reflect the duration for which you want the race applications displayed. To pay for this service, click here or send us a check made out to Pretzel City Sports along with your apps. If you are getting the applications you send to us “copied” rather than printed, getting copies in “grayscale” will save you a LOT of money. For the other times of year, 300 is sufficient. Race Timer is a free race timing system that allows race coordinators the flexibility of scoring road races within an android app. For races that will be displayed leading into the Spring and Fall (our busiest times), we will need 400 copies sent to us. Race Timing contains Track Map, Lap Times, Sectors, Lap Chart, Competitors, and Settings pages. Race Timing supports the RMonitor timing protocol used over TCP/IP with IMSA enhancements.
Here too, if we are handling your online registration as well, that fee is 50% less as well, with the same refund conditions as listed above. Race Timing is a network connected race timing and analysis application for Windows 10. For $40, we will display your app at those races for up to 4 months. We also display race apps at the nearly 500 races we time weather permitting.
Have Us Display Your App at Races We Attend Once paid, email us the app and tell us that payment has been made.
To pay for a race app “posting”, click here. With Race Monitor's live timing, you can view racer lap times as they occur. If you use us for your online registration as well, we’ll refund 50% of this fee once 5 registrations are done through that system. Race Monitor gives racers and spectators alike, the ability to view live timing from hundreds of races and tracks around the world over the internet, or you can view live timing directly from a MyLaps or Westhold timing system via the RMonitor protocol.
The race application needs to be emailed to us in a single pdf attachment. In addition to providing dedicated and customised timing to major international and national series, we also serve one off and domestic club events. For $40, you can have your race app posted and available for download on our site.
Our web site is visited by over 1/2 a million runners each year who often come here to find races to run it is a top regional source for this purpose.